Contents [show]1 Planning of Capital Urban areas of Gandhinagar and Chhattisgarh2 Introduction3 Conclusion4 References
Planning of Capital Urban areas of Gandhinagar and Chhattisgarh
Since independence, most states were made in India dependent on dialect, regulatory necessities and different reasons. A few states required new regulatory home office/headquaters complex for setting up their administration workplaces. There was a requirement for good urban planned cities having great framework offices, which was acknowledged by the individual state governments. This brought about making arrangements for ‘Greenfield’ capital activities like Chandigarh (Punjab and Haryana), Gandhinagar (Gujarat), Bhubaneswar (Odisha) and Naya Raipur (Chhattisgarh). The most recent city in the arranging procedure is Amaravati, the forthcoming capital city of Andhra Pradesh state.
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“Planning of Capital Urban Areas of Gandhinagar and Chhattisgarh”

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The paper examines the development of the two capital urban areas, Chandigarh and Gandhinagar since their commencement, till date. The paper additionally centers around the changing status of fringe lands held for such capital tasks. This study uses information, generally writing survey of distributed works from writers, advancement specialists and state governments. Peripheral Development Zone: Limitations The “Punjab New Capital (Outskirts) Control Act, 1952” characterizes peripheral control as, “To guarantee good and planned advancement of the new city it is important to stop development of ghettos and slum development on the land lying on the fringe of the new city. To accomplish this goal it is important to have Lawful governing body to manage the utilization of said arrive for purposes other than the reasons for which it used to exhibit.” The Demonstration limits any development, exhuming or production of access streets inside the outskirts control locale without the authorization of the Town and Nation Arranging bureau of the state and all such improvement must accord the end-all strategy arranged by the Arranging office. The main exemption is made for structures for horticultural utilize and structures which were existing at the season of the Demonstration coming into power, gave the structures are utilized to the reason that they are intended to be utilized.
The Demonstration additionally gives an unmistakable time period in which the concerned authorities in the State Arranging division need to give a reaction to applications made before them. Except if a reaction is gotten inside 3 months of the application, it is expected that the authorization of improvement has been given. The Gujarat New Capital (Fringe) Control Act, 1960, holds the primary concerns of the Punjab Demonstration. Primary contrast is in the nodal office allotted to give authorizations. While it was the Chief of the Town and Nation Arranging office if there should arise an occurrence of the Punjab Demonstration, in the event of the Gujarat Demonstration, it is the obligation of the Authority of the region. Chandigarh After India got freedom in 1947, the Punjab province got divided between India and Pakistan. Lahore that was the capital of Punjab then became the capital of Pakistan now. For this reason Punjab was in need of a new capital. However, an appropriate town couldn’t be found. Every current town were rejected for both associated reasons-military vulnerability, absence of adequate drinking water, unavailability, powerlessness to adapt to a flood of extensive number of outcasts that were normal. A region of 70 of arrive on the lower regions of the Shivalik extend was picked as the site of this capital city as it was halfway situated in the then province of Punjab, its vicinity to the national capital, adequate water supply, prolific soil, and a land inclination for effective normal waste. The all-encompassing perspective of the blue Shivalik slopes was a critical factor in choosing the site.
Chandigarh master Plan (1951) An American firm, M/s. Mayer, Whittlessay and Glass, driven by Albert Mayer and Mathew Novicki was given the job of structuring this city at first. But that contract terminated when Mr. Novicki passed away in an air crash, the errand was then given to a group of architects with the leader as Charles Eduard Jeanneret, generally called ‘Le Corbusier’ in the year 1951. Le Corbusier used the urban structure standards of CIAM (Congr??s Worldwide d’Architecture Moderne) in planning the city of Chandigarh. CIAM was a global assortment of draftsmen who held a progression of meetings. It is trusted that the field of urban plan was a branch of these standards. Their design combined workmanship and building for objective and effective urban planning. The ground-breaking strategy of Chandigarh was structured comparable to the human body. The Legislative hall complex, which housed the seat of the administration was the head, the focal business locale would work as the core of the city, the green belt and the various parks would work as the lungs of the city, the mechanical region on the outskirts would be the viscera while the 7Vs system of streets would be the flow framework. The city was arranged with units of size 800mx1200m, called areas. The segments were intended to be an independent unit having shops, school, wellbeing focuses and places of amusement and love inside a ten-minute strolling separation. The segments were self-observer in character, with just four vehicular passages and a fixing divider parallel to the fundamental streets to disconnect living spaces inside the segments from the aggravation of vehicular development. A chain of command in the populace was visualized, with the northern parts having slightest thickness of populace while step by step expanding densities in the south. A 500feet wide green belt was set as a cushion on the eastern side of the city between living spaces and the mechanical regions.
The city was arranged as a low-ascent city, with stature of structures being confined. The street arrange was arranged as 7Vs speaking to street chain of command for the quick streets associating the city to different urban communities or towns (V1), the blood vessel streets (V2), quick vehicular streets around the parts (V3). The parts were hung together by the shopping lanes (V4), the division flow streets (V5), the frontage roads to houses (V6) and the cycle tracks and trails (V7). Transports were intended to employ on the V1 to V4 lanes. The planning and development of Chandigarh was done in two stages. Stage I comprised of 30 sections while Stage II comprised of 31 to 47 sections. In all out 17 towns possessed the land where the city currently exists. Removing of the villagers was required to make space for the new capital. Amid land obtaining for the second stage, after challenges, a few towns were relocated in the areas planned for city. These town settlements turned into a crucial piece of the city, for instance, Burail in section 45. The Stage I of Le Corbusier’s ground-breaking strategy was set up for a populace of 1,50,000 to be created in parts 1 to 30. In the second stage, areas 31 to 47 were arranged with a populace of 3,50,000. The second stage was arranged towards the south of Stage I. Later a third stage was anticipated Segments 48 to 56, when the quantity of vagrants to the city expanded. The third stage was not part of the first all-inclusive strategy arranged by Le Corbusier. To control unplanned advancement around the city, the Outskirts Control Act, 1952 was passed. It made a support zone of 8km span around the city of horticultural land. This was then expanded to a 16km range by 1962. The aggregate zone possessed by the city and the sweep around it was around Following the re-allocation of the territory of Punjab and making of the new province of Haryana, everything radically changed. 75% of the 16km outskirts, around, went to Punjab and about 22%,, to Haryana, while the Association Region of Chandigarh comprised of just or 3% of the fringe zones. Timeline of Planning and Periphery control activities 2009        Chandigarh Master Plan committee constituted 2008        notification of GMADA Regional Plan 2056 1999        Chandigarh Interstate Metropolitan Regional Plan-2021(CISMeR Plan) (50km radius)- No approval was accorded to this Plann 1995        Punjab Regional and Town Planning & Development Act, 1995 1994        Formation of Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh (MCC) 1984        Review of the Chandigarh Urban Complex (CUC) Plan and preparation of a new interstate Regional Plan 2001′ 1975        The Chandigarh Urban Complex (CUC) Prior to 1966        Formation of Mohali and Panchkula Townships 1996        Chandigarh Union Territory 1962        An expanded Periphery Control Area (16 km radius) 1952        The Punjab New Capital (Periphery) Control Act, 1952 (8 km radius) 1952        The Capital of Punjab (Development and Regulation) Act, 1952 1951      
 Second Master Plan Evolves by Le Corbusier 1949        First Chandigarh Master Plan Formation of Chandigarh Union Territory After the reorganization of Punjab on linguistic basis in 1966 into two states Punjab and Haryana, both the states wanted Chandigarh as their capital. Chandigarh was made a Union Territory and it acted as the capital of both the states. Earlier the existence of single agency, Capital Project, ensured that no unlawful creation gained momentum. After the division uncontrolled and haphazard growth was seen around Chandigarh. Chandigarh Urban Complex (CUC) and Chandigarh Interstate Capital Region (CISCR) In 1975, a high-powered Co-ordination Committee was constituted. It was chaired by Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India and the Chief Secretaries of Punjab and Haryana and the Chief Commissioner of UT Chandigarh to resolve the matters pertaining to developments around Chandigarh and to suggest measures for not compromising the original intent of the Chandigarh Plan. They created the Chandigarh Urban Complex (CUC) which was entirely within the originally conceptualized 8km radius periphery control belt. This included parts of both Mohali and Panchkula. In addition, it included 27 villages around Mohali and 23 villages around Panchkula. In 1984, the Central Town & Country Planning Organisation formulated the Chandigarh Interstate Capital Region (CISCR) encompassing a total area of The 16km radius periphery control area was included in this and some additional regions from Haryana and Punjab. Attempts were made by the governments of both Punjab and Haryana to prepare Development Plans which spanned more than one state. However, No approval was accorded to this Plan. Gandhinagar Arranging of Gandhinagar Gujarat state came to presence in 1960 after the past Bombay state was partitioned into Gujarat and Maharashtra (two states in India) dependent on the phonetic qualities of the general population.
At first Ahmedabad city went about as a managerial place for Gujarat. In any case, it was imagined making a capital city in lines with Chandigarh with great framework offices where the Administration workplaces would be put. Land was obtained 23kms north of Ahmedabad from towns covering a zone of The area was chosen on the grounds that the land was leveled with a delicate slant which permitted great seepage of water. The proximity of the land to Sabarmati Waterway had guaranteed abundant water supply. The site had great transportation association with National Interstate 8 and to the Ahmedabad-Kalol State thruway. Additionally, an arrangement was made to put the air terminal close Ahmedabad Cantonment which was close to the proposed site of Gandhinagar. The gained land was called Gandhinagar Informed Zone (GNA)/Gandhinagar Capital Venture. All-inclusive strategy, 1966 The new capital city was arranged by Boss Modeler H.K. Mewada and his right-hand Prakash M Apte. The Ground-breaking strategy for the recent GNA territory was set up in 1965, which was affirmed by the State Government in 1966. The city was partitioned in 30 areas. The area estimate was one kilometer by three fourth kilometer. The administration building was put in the core of the city. Dominant part of the segments was private as far as land utilize. Every area was arranged be finished with all fundamental private offices, for example, schools, shopping, gardens, and so forth which were set in the focal point of each division for simple availability.
The fundamental example of street had matrix and the street framework was displayed to control urban clog by isolating vehicle and people on foot. The land procured on the eastern bank was apportioned to the Outskirt Security power and military cantonment. Thinking about the generally southwest to north-east breeze heading, the land toward the north of the city was assigned to a warm power station and the contiguous zones were zoned for mechanical use. Eight classifications were decided for private plots, from 80-90 to 1600 Activities were made inside the areas to give accommodation that blended distinctive salary gatherings/classes. In the meantime, it was guaranteed that there was very little difference between these classes. Private lodging had been given along government lodging, subsequently disposing of selective government colonies. The development around the capital was directed by Gujarat New Capital (fringe) Control Act 1960.This act limited the development around 5 miles (8kms) of GNA. The Gujarat Panchayats Act 1961 and the New Capital (outskirts) Control Act 1960 were revised and the changed demonstration was known as The Gujarat Panchayats and the New Capital (Outskirts) Control (Revision) Act 1965.
Under the Demonstration uniform zone of 200m or 400m relying on the extent of town were allowed for private development. Out of the land obtained, 28sq.kms involved the 30 segments and the rest of the 29 region secured the Cantonment, Characteristic Stop and backwoods and Mechanical Domains. The new town was ready for a populace of 1,50,000 over a time of 25 years (around 1990) with a further conceivable extension to 3,00,000 (around 2015) before 50 years’ over. The arrangement accommodated 10,000 occupations in government business and 9000 occupations in industry.The future extension of the city was visualized towards the north-west as stream verged on the east and the modern zone toward the North wouldn’t take into consideration development. To hold the personality of the city as the New Capital its development was arranged away from the city of Ahmedabad towards the south.13 By June 1970 the whole Secretariat office and staff had moved to Gandhinagar. In 1970, the capital had a populace of 25,000 essentially made up of government workers. Timeline of Planning and Periphery control activities 2014 First Draft Revised Development Plan 2024 (Not yet approved) 2010 Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation (GMC) Established [Area-] 2004 Development Plan 2011 2003 The Gujarat New Capital (Periphery) Control (Repeal) Act, 2003 1996 Gandhinagar Urban Development Authority (GUDA) established [ including of GNA] 1991 Revised Master Plan for Gandhinagar Notified Area (GNA) 1966 First Master Plan for Gandhinagar Notified Area (GNA) 1965 The Gujarat Panchayats and the New Capital (Periphery) Control (Amendment) Act 1965 1960 Gujarat New Capital (Periphery) Control Act 1960 Development Plan 2004 GUDA began the way toward getting ready Improvement Plan in 2001. The arrangement was getting ready for the year 2011.
Because of the reliance of Gandhinagar on Ahmedabad, area of Info city and the market structure there was an appeal to open the land toward the south of GNA. The Gujarat New Capital (Outskirts) Control (Cancelation) Act, 2003 was gotten to evacuate the Fringe Control Act 18 which had restrained improvement in the fringe of the city. The improvement plan proposed the development of the city towards the south on the Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar Air terminal street. The arrangement was endorsed by the State Government in 2004. The advancement in the GUDA area occurred through Town Arranging Plans (23 Town Arranging plans one is last and other are at different phases of endorsement) after 2004. In 2007 it was declared that the state would before long be setting up one of the biggest Universal Back Administration (Uncertainties) Focuses on the planet. With correction in the improvement plan, it was to be made on 500-section of land (2.02 arrive close Gandhinagar, on the banks of the waterway Sabarmati. It was relied upon to make 10 lakh occupations by 2022. Additionally, major instructive establishments were given land in the north inverse to the GNA zone. (like National Organization of Pharmaceutical Training and Exploration (NIPER), Indian Establishment of Wellbeing The executives (IIHM) and Indian Foundation of Gandhinagar (IITG).
Both Chandigarh and Gandhinagar were arranged as capital complex for the states utilizing state system and vision by its proposers. Both the towns had its own reasons and arranging results the extent that development in fringe limits are concerned. In Gandhinagar, it was discovered that there was an enormous weight for improvement of the city towards Ahmedabad. Since the outskirts control had turned into a jug neck to the advancement, it was revoked. Gandhinagar being just 23kms far from Ahmedabad, had affected the improvement of the capital city. Gandhinagar has now turned into an expansion to Ahmedabad. Despite what might be expected, without any real development focus close Chandigarh and its closeness to the national capital, with adequate water supply and a land angle for proficient normal waste pulled in individuals to remain here. In the wake of turning into an Association domain it had adequate government gifts/reserves which were made accessible by the Administration of India. Thus, it could hold its building atmosphere and never had issues of arrangement of framework and essential services. More investigations are required to basically look at the components in charge of the adjustments in the outskirts of the capital urban areas, especially in Chandigarh and Gandhinagar.

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Verma, G. D.2002. ‘Slumming India: A Chronicle of Slums and Their Saviours’, Penguin Books India. –         Information about History of Gandhinagar CityGujarat”. Retrieved 26 July 2010.
Architecture, Low Cost Housing, Regional Planning, Urban Development, Town Planner, Housing, India, Prakash, Madhusudan, Apte, Eisenhover, Gandhinagar, Urban Planning, Urban Growth.
“Prithak Chhattisgarh”. Archived from the original on 4 July 2010. Retrieved 22 July 2011
“With Commendable Progress In Both Urban And Rural Sanitation, Chhattisgarh Is On Its Way To Be

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