A Moment when Kindness Guided my Actions

During my childhood, my family barely had enough to support our well-being. My parents struggled to give us our necessities. Most of the times I felt bad about our situation because I was not in a position to help my parents and my siblings. However, despite the...

Use of Drones in Agriculture

Drones, more scientifically known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have been around for ages, but are just starting to become beneficially used in the agricultural business. Farmers can get a bird’s eye view of their land, animals, and crops just by flying drones...

Ragging: Student and Experience Dear Friends

Does rag develop friendship? Answers: It does, upto a limit. But rag should not get serious, like you should not cause bodily twinge to the person getting ragged. I ahve felt this. Most of the most friendly seniors I own at college are the ones who ragged me....

Midsummer Night’s Dream – Ms. Tuft

Do you know the real story behind love? Love can be a great thing but it’s not always as magical as it seems. Love can be a dangerous game you just have to figure out if you’re willing to play. In the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the characters seem to get their...

Disney Animation and Pixar

Disney animations include all the classic Disney movies such as Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, etc. Newer movies like Finding Dory, Moana, and Coco are also some of Disney’s top animated movies. Animation is a huge part of Walt Disney and an aspect that is...
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