3 Family Road Trips you can’t Miss

There are certain places that everybody has on their travel bucket list. Whether you love cities, the countryside or a little bit of magic, you can do it all with an RV. When you have a family, admittedly, travelling becomes a little different. When you have young...

Ideas in the Necklace Tale

The tale “The Necklace” through man DE man de Maupassant takes location in France many hundred years beyond. Mathilde Loisel lives in a very flat along aspect her husband, WHO works as a clerk for the Minister of class. Their lives do not appear to be highly-priced,...

A Story about Tattooed Woman

The Tattooed Face Woman Imagine getting your whole face tattooed by thorns. Would you bear the amount of pain? Well, Yin Yin, a Burmese Chin woman, tattooed her entire face by thorns so she would be ugly. I decided to interview her since I was always curious as to why...

Myths and Truths about Gang Life

There are many myths and truths about gang life. Many young adults have some ideas about gangs that are just not true. When these kids are joining gangs based on certain beliefs that are just not true. They believe they will make lots of money, have nice things and...

The Narrator in the Tell-Tale Heart

The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe is being told by a narrator who is angry. The narrator tells all his motives from the beginning by addressing his issue of the old man’s eye to the reader. The story he tells is based on his view to defend his place even though...
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