Lord of the Flies Extra Credit Questions

Ralph seems very adventurous and carefree. He doesn’t seem to care very much for what Piggy has to say, and seems to want to focus on getting off the island only. At first, he’s happy to be out of the watchful eye of adults, but we later see him missing it. Piggy...

Mentorship and Rebellion in Fahrenheit 451

Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451” is a novel which depicts the natural human urge to build and analyze knowledge. With the protagonist Montag taking on the role of a fireman in the context of a world in which books are banned, the book speaks to the cyclical nature of...

Ready Player One

Ready Player One is a book that was written by Ernest Cline. The play in this novel is based in a 2044 dystopian following a character Wade Watts on his exploration for an Easter egg. Nevertheless, essential real game will enable him take over a wealth in a world...

Robert Smalls

Robert Smalls was an African American politician who was born in the year 1839. He was natured in slavery in a bungalow at the adjacency of his master Henry McKee’s household in Beaufort on Prince street, South California. His parentage fatherhood was not known but it...

Gangster Squad

Ruben Fleischer, which was made in January 2013. The genre of the movie is American action, crime, and thriller. I selected this movie because it just intrigues me how the underground world got started in Hollywood through gangs, big money, and drugs. What caught my...
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