A Rose for Emily: Plot Overview

In section one the creator discusses when Emily Grierson’s dad had passed away and the entire neighborhood went to her home and clarifies how nobody had truly been in that home for a long time. What’s more, the town of Jefferson was an exceptionally decent...

In Shakespeare’s King Lear

In Shakespeare’s King Lear, Cordelia and Edgar are both characters that are undervalued and underappreciated by their parents, leading to their unconstituted banishments. Both offspring have similar unjust terms and non confrontational reactions to their exiles...

Tell Tale Heart & Black Cat

In Tell Tale Heart, there is a man who is crazy but thinks he isn’t and he insists on his sanity after murdering an old man with a “vulture eye. He thinks his eye is evil because it has cataracts. The murder was carefully planned and covered up well. The murderer...

Analysis of the Awakening from Marxist Perspective

In The Awakening, by the author Kate Chopin can be analyzed from the Marxist perspective by the powerful ones being the men. The men are powerful because society portrays them as the head of the household, meaning its a patriarchal society. Society thinks that men...

The Great Divorce

In the beginning of the book CS Lewis is giving a brief set up to what the book will be about and what we can expect as readers. He makes it very clear to us that this is all a fantasy before we continue into the first chapter. To continue, in the first chapter the...
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