Handmaids Tale Literacy Analysis

In the story, The Handmaid’s Story by Margaret Atwood the city of Gilead debilitates ladies from multiple points of view. Compelling sex upon them, anticipating that they should deal with their life partner and family, and giving them next to zero political power. All...

Ender’s Game: a Military-Dystopian Novel

In the military-dystopian novel, Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, Ender, the younger brother of Peter and Valentine, goes through many difficulties during the story. Due to the fact that he still has his monitor residing in his neck, he gets bullied a lot. Most kids...

Salem Witch Trials Ergot Poisoning

In the year of 1692 there was a series of hearings and indictments for the people who were accused of practicing witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts. It all began with a group of teenage girls meeting in the home of Samuel Parris to listen to the voodoo-like tails...

Importance of Individualism in Ender’s Game

In the novel Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, one of the main character’s greatest fears is that he would become like his brother, Peter. While on earth, Ender was physically afraid of Peter due to threats that he would kill him. But, when Ender was taken to battle...

How Race and Gender Affect on Identity

In Their Eyes Were Watching God, Zora Neale Hurston explores the effects of race and gender on developing oner’s identity. There is often a discrepancy between personal identity and the identity formed exogenously by members of society, which makes it difficult to...

GMO and Novel “Frankenstein”

In the novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley infers that caution must be taken when practicing science and tampering with nature. Even though the book was published in the early nineteenth century it predicted a lot about what occurs in science today. Science has come so...
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